Dispatch Not Sent

Anita 's Avatar


02 Dec, 2012 09:06 PM

Hello StoryAmp,

I have a couple of questions regarding your service.

1) I published a Dispatch about a holiday digital release of mine and it has yet to be sent. What is the usual delivery time after a Dispatch is published for action to be taken in sending it out? Here is the link: https://www.storyamp.com/dispatch/b00418a2e3e19a95e0d36146b4400ec8

2) I don't see an option to upgrade my account. It does not provide me with the upgrade button as shown in one of your YouTube tutorial videos.

Please get back to me at your earliest convenience. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Anita Savior

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by dmitri on 03 Dec, 2012 10:14 PM

    dmitri's Avatar

    Hi Anita,

    Thanks for your message. Your Dispatch will not get sent out since it was fewer than 2 weeks between the time you entered it in StoryAmp and the release date. We suggest publishing a Dispatch more than six weeks before the release date, because StoryAmp sends Dispatches to press 6, 4, and 2 weeks before the release date of recordings. If you would like to try again, please create a new Dispatch that is more than 2 weeks away (or ideally more than 6 weeks away).

    To get a Fancy Listing for recordings, scroll down to the section of you Dispatch where it says Email Distribution (below the Short Pitch) and select Fancy Listing. And thank you for pointing out that our YouTube tutorial video needs to be updated!

    Finally, note that your Dispatch will likely have better traction with a a more substantial Long Pitch and with SoundCloud audio connected (which allows a journalist to listen to your audio with one click from a Fancy Listing email).

    Many thanks,

    Dmitri Vietze

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