With 2 rappers and a producer in a group how should we sign up?

J. Lungz's Avatar

J. Lungz

25 Mar, 2020 07:15 PM

Should we do the publicist profile where we can do separate releases for:
1. As a group with our group name brand OvrthnkrZ
2. 1st rapper in our group as an invdividual J.S.N.
3. 2nd rapper in our group as in individual J. Lungz
4, Our in-house producer "Instrumenace"
(This would allow us one more slot to bring in a singer as well)

Or do we just get one account for 0vrthnkrZ that includes all of us?

Or do we get an account for each person and no account for 0vrthnkrZ?

Or do we can an account for each of us and an account for 0vrthnkrZ?

Thank you.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by dmitri on 29 Mar, 2020 10:39 PM

    dmitri's Avatar

    Ideally, you should do a publicist account since you get multiple artist
    accounts. That will make it more clear to the press that these are separate
    releases from separate artists. Thank you!

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