2 Questions
Hey StoryAmp,
I have a couple of questions please:
1) Let's say I have 2 shows coming up in the next month. I want to create 2 dispatches for these shows, and I want fancy listings for both shows. Do I have to pay $60 ($30 x 2) to get both shows fancy listings? Or will the monthly $30 payment cover both shows for fancy listings, and as many shows in that month as I want?
2) If I create for a show in Columbus and get fancy listings, are the listings just for press in/around Cleveland? Alternatively, if I do a fancy listing for a Chicago show, will that one only go to Chicago press?
Thank you!
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Support Staff 1 Posted by dmitri on 21 Jun, 2015 11:19 AM
Hi Fred,
1) it is $30/month for unlimited Tour Fancy Listings. Every month you use
StoryAmp, you are charged $30 and that allows you to have unlimited Tour
Fancy Listings during that month. Since StoryAmp sends concert emails to
journalists behind 6 weeks before each concert, it's best to budget at
least $60 for two months of Fancy use.
2) ideally, local concert press only hear about local concerts. So only
Chicago press will hear about Chicago concerts sent out through StoryAmp.
Some towns do not have much if any local press; especially suburbs. So the
venue address city may have no press. So we try to link press in that town
to the largest nearby city. We do this on the back end. If you want to get
maximum exposure for a town like this, make the venue city accurate to the
street address but the Event city the nearby big city name (but the Event
city must be within 30 miles of the suburb, etc.).
I hope that helps!
Thank you,