Song, premium vs fancy

Jolie's Avatar


11 Oct, 2013 10:42 PM

Can I add more songs with a fancy listing? Or is that only with a premium account?

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by dmitri on 14 Oct, 2013 02:30 PM

    dmitri's Avatar

    Hi Jolie,

    Thank you for writing and for using StoryAmp!

    If you have a Free StoryAmp account, you can add one song to StoryAmp audio
    or you can use the SoundCloud connection to add as many songs as you like.
    For more than one song using StoryAmp audio, you need to upgrade to
    Premium. One advantage of using StoryAmp audio rather than SoundCloud audio
    is that when journalists download an entire album or set, they do so as a
    single Zip file, whereas when they download from SoundCloud it downloads
    them as separate audio files, which is frustrating for some journalists.

    Thanks again and please let me know if you have additional questions,

    Dmitri Vietze
    StoryAmp, LLC

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